- Very well made physically, Great audio
- Full Tier 2 MotoTRBO compability
- VHF/UHF capability with dual receive on either DMR or FM
- VFO or channel mode on each sub-band
- Integral GPS will work with APRS through DMR AND traditional analog
- Roaming across DMR channel/talkgroups (this is very neat)
- GPS based channel/zone roaming
- Fully programmable soft keys
- Can operate most functions using only the mic keypad
- Radio can be daunting to program initially due to the many additional options/capabilities combined with a fairly cryptic CPS
- Newer functions such as the BT-01 mic require detailed update of 5 different firmwares. Well documented, but must be done
- Some capabilities cannot be run at the same time such as APRS and GPS roaming